We are currently recruiting volunteers for this year's Spokane Archaeology Day!
If you are an archaeologist and would like to host a station, give an oral presentation, or help guide visitors through fun activities, please reach out to Jamie Litzkow, Carla Burnside, and Anna Coon via the button below:
If you are an archaeologist and would like to host a station, give an oral presentation, or help guide visitors through fun activities, please reach out to Jamie Litzkow, Carla Burnside, and Anna Coon via the button below:
A celebration of historic preservation will give visitors a rare opportunity to travel back in time and immerse themselves in the history and culture of the Columbia Plateau’s native people during the 4th Annual Spokane Archaeology Day.
This interactive event will feature something for everyone – including demonstrations, exhibits and oral presentations from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM, Saturday, October 5, on the grounds of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture.
People of all ages are invited to experience the methods archaeologists use to learn about the heritage of the Inland Northwest. Among the activities, visitors will be able to conduct an archaeological survey and a mock excavation, learn how to identify historic artifacts, make a tool through the process of flint knapping, practice zooarchaeology by studying animal bones and much more.
This interactive event will feature something for everyone – including demonstrations, exhibits and oral presentations from 10:00 AM until 3:00 PM, Saturday, October 5, on the grounds of the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture.
People of all ages are invited to experience the methods archaeologists use to learn about the heritage of the Inland Northwest. Among the activities, visitors will be able to conduct an archaeological survey and a mock excavation, learn how to identify historic artifacts, make a tool through the process of flint knapping, practice zooarchaeology by studying animal bones and much more.
Archaeological and Historical Services (EWU), the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA), the Association for Washington Archaeology, the Bureau of Land Management, Central Washington University, Cordilleran Archaeological Research, Eastern Washington University, Kalispel Tribe of Indians, the Northwest Fur Trader Historians, Pierce County Planning and Public Works, Plateau CRM, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Forest Service for the Umatilla National Forest, the University of Idaho, the University of Montana, Washington State University, and Westland Engineering and Environmental Services